OYCI’s drama club dedicated nine weeks to working on Youth Scotland’s Stand-Up project. This involved designing and creating our own work, inspired by the central theme of Hate. The themes that interested us most were Stereotypes, Sexism and Xenophobia. We planned and created five short films and two audio projects to get across our message; “Small Words have a Big Impact”.
We believe that everyone deserves to be treated fairly, included kindly and not discriminated against because of how they look, their gender, what brings them happiness or where they come from. We hope our projects will inspire others to stand up against hate and spread more kindness in the world.
Drive: About the silly idea that women are less capable drivers than men.
All Women: A humorous look at those who “Hate all Women”.
Disclaimer: The young actors featured are aiming to explore issues by playing fictional characters in fictional situations. Please be kind and respectful.
Resources and Links:
If you are affected by hate in any way, including the issues explored in the films we have created, please consider reaching out to these organizations for help, advice and a sense of community. You are not alone:
The UK’s Eating Disorder Charity – Beat
While we chose to explore hate with a focus on sexism youth Scotland has a bank of videos focusing on sectarianism which you can find here;
Many thanks to youth Scotland for funding this project and supporting us in the work we do with young people
What should the team look at next? What issues in the world / our community do you think are most pressing? Let us know!